As a senior myself, I’ve struggled for some time with the idea of our store offering a senior discount.  

First, there was the issue of fairness. Not all senior citizens need a discount; like younger folks, some seniors are financially well off and some are not. 

And second, there was the issue of verification. I didn’t want to be in a position of verifying someone’s personal information – like a birthday - just so they could receive a discount. 

But there were also good reasons for offering a discount to senior citizens. These included encouraging seniors to stay intellectually active with hobbies such as stamp collecting, as well as acknowledging the contributions of seniors to society and expressing appreciation for their experience and wisdom. 

So, after much reflection, I’ve decided to (happily!) offer older customers of Sonora Stamp Shop a senior discount of 15% off, with the following provisos: 

· You must be 55 years of age or older. I’m not verifying this, as I feel that would be an invasion of privacy, so this will be on the honor system. 

· This discount cannot be combined with any other sales or promotions. 

· This promotion may end at any time, without further notice, at the discretion of the seller. 

In order to receive the discount, you must use the following Promo Code: 


Happy Collecting! 

Daniel McAdam